29 May 2018


PART A: Power

Level 1: 15 Minutes Build to a challenging set of 3 Snatch.

Level 2: Snatch:
2 x 3 @ 75%
2 x 3 @ 80%
2x 3 @ 85%

PART B: Strength
Level 1:
1 x Max Reps @ Weight hit for Snatch Triple (Goal: 8-15 Reps)

Level 2:
1 x Max Reps OH Squat @ 80% of 1 RM Snatch



For Time:
100 Double Unders (S:  200 Singles)
50 DB Snatch (Rx: 50/35; S: 45/25; S2: 35/20)
75 Double Unders (S: 150 Singles)
20 Power Snatch (Rx: 115/80; S: 95/65; S2: 75/55)
50 Double Unders (S: 100 Singles)
15 Squat Snatch (Rx: 115/80; S: 95/65; S2: 75/55)



GHD SU (S:  Abmat Sit Ups)
GHD Hip Extensions (S:  Banded Good Mornings)