Dec 1, 2011 (2 days until CW-Day)



Run some short, quick sprints today, preferably in the morning. If you want to come to the box, watch the clock and use our running tracks, feel free. Friday DO NOTHING but rest, take a nap, maybe a hot tub stretch and go to bed early. If you want to come in and work your team plan we will be at the box from about 10am-6pm on Friday setting up (Nothing more than a 35lb bar thought, keep yourself fresh…WAR!)


WOD: (Full morning schedule, evening only the 5pm and 6pm classes)


3 Rounds For Time:

Run 800m

20 Deadlifts

(S1:95/65 S2:115/75 RX:135/95

A:185/135 BA: 255/195)




4 Rounds For Time:

Run 400m

15 O/H Squats (33/15)

10 Push-Ups


*Lead CW individuals (you know who you are)

COLD WAR Meeting at 7pm.