10 DECEMBER 2011

Warrior Program:

30 x Overhead Squats Female Range (45-105)  Male Range (75 – 135lbs)

50 x Push Ups

800m Run

30 x Front Squats Female Range (65-105)  Male Range (105 – 135lbs)

50 x Push Ups

500m Row (Damper on 10)

30 x Back Squats Female Range (65-105)  Male Range (105 – 135lbs)

50 x Wall balls (20/14)

800m Run

All barbell movements shall be performed from the ground.  Athletes may change the weight of the barbell in between squat sets only.


Teens WOD:  Death by 10 Meters

Sprint ten meters the first minute

20 meters (down and back) the second

thirty the third, and so on…until you are unable to complete the total number (back/down)


WOD:  3 Rounds for Time

45 Double Unders

30 Sit-ups

15 Push-press (135/95)