21 April, 2012:


0930 Warrior Program:


For Time:

25 L-Sit Pull Ups
100m Walking Lunge W/ Single DB (25/15)
25 Medicine Ball Pull Ups (20/10)
25 Ring Dips
100m Walking Lunge W/ Single DB
25 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
25 Push Ups
100m Walking Lunge W/ Single DB


Make-Up WOD:


Skills/Exercise Training:


Body Position For the “Hollow”

Hollow Rocks

Correct Push-Ups

Matador Dips

Ring Dips



AMRAP In 8 Mins Of:


20 D/U’s (100 Singles)

5 Ring Dips (S: Matador Dips/Toes On Floor)

5 Hollow Rocks