13 October 2012


We will begin running heats for the WOD at 10 a.m. and ask that if you need to be in an early heat that you arrive by 9:45 a.m. to warm-up.  We will do our best to accommodate those individuals that are limited on time, space and equipment – so please be patient.  Heats will be run every 20 minutes until we get through all the individuals that wish to participate.  The WOD will be a team WOD, comprised of three individuals (four for scaled).  We will be assembling teams on Saturday, but if you have a team you would like to create, please do so in advance and let us know on Saturday, otherwise we will place you on a team. The Coaches will comprise the last heat of the day to close out the event.    Below is Atom’s WOD.



30 Tire Flips (Rx: 750/500; S1:  500/350; S2: 350/250)

90 Sledge Hammer Swings (A: 45; Rx:  20/16; S1: 16/12; S2:  12/8)

Rope Climbs (Rx: 21 Climbs; S1: 15; S2:  9)

Air Squats (300) (Rx:  Goblet Squats (53/35); S1/S2: Air Squats)

Toes-To-Bar (102)

Overhead Lunges with Plate (60) (Rx: 45/35; S1: 35/25; S2: 25/15)

Man Makers (15) (Rx: 45/35; S1:  35/25; S2: 25/15)

Ring Push Ups (60) (S1/S2:  Hand Release Push-Ups)

Double Unders (150) (S1/S2: 450 Singles)

Deadlifts (21):  (Rx: 275/185; S1:  225/135: S2: 165/95)

Burpee Box Jumps (60):  (24″/20″)

Squat Clean Thrusters (15) (Rx:  135/95; S1: 115/75: S2:  95/65)

Hand Stand Holds (Rx: 60 Seconds; S1/S2:  34 Seconds)




Ruck Run (800 m) (Rx:  75/55; S1:  55/35; S2: 45/25)

Ruck Squats (60)

Ruck Down and Ups (15)

Ruck Ground to Overhead (60)

Ruck Run (800 m)

Cash Out (Optional):  34 calorie row


One member of the team must be doing work at all times with the exception of Ruck Runs, Air Squats, and Hand Stand Holds.  Teams cannot move on to the next exercise/movement until all work has been completed in previous task.  Some of these events will be completed outside of the box (Tire Flips, Hammer Swings, and Ruck Run and Movements) – so please dress accordingly…we will be doing this Rain or Shine.   We will not be running the clock.  As Atom would say, “I don’t care how long it takes you to finish, as long as you finish and use proper form”.  Further scaled options are available as needed.