1 March 2014


The CFL/CFK Throwdown is Saturday, 1 March from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at CrossFit Kingstowne!  


Please come by tomorrow and cheer on our teams and individuals.  If you are interested in participating in the Throwdown as a team or as an individual in the mini-events, but didn’t sign up, please just show up!  We will also have some of our friends from Max Muscle and Reebok Fit Hub Georgetown joining us tomorrow for the fun!   Its going to be a great day.  We have 30 teams signed up, to include some of our teens, from CFL/CFK!  So please stop by!!!  Please Note:  All regular classes at CFL/CFK will be cancelled tomorrow due to the event.  



0930 – 0945:  Kick-Off and Team WOD 1 Briefing/Standards

0945 – 1030:  Team WOD 1

1030 – 1045:  Individual Mini-Event 1 Briefing/Standards

1045 – 1115:  Individual Mini-Event 1

1115 – 1130:  Team WOD 2 Briefing

1130 – 1230:  Team WOD 2

1230 – 1245:  Individual Mini-Event 2 and 3 Briefing

1245 – 1315:  Individual Mini-Event 2 and 3



WOD 1:  Team Kalsu
AMRAP:  8  Minutes
The team completes Max Rep Thrusters in 8 minute time cap.  One athlete moving at a time for thrusters. EMOTM both athletes complete 5 Burpees.  Score is total thrusters completed in the time cap.
(Rx: 95/65; S:  75/55)
Mini-Individual Event 1 (Optional):   Snatch Ladder
Individual will move through the ladder and will have one minute to attempt a snatch at the designated weight.  If successful they can move to the next weight.
Men: 75; 95; 115; 135; 155; 165; 175; 185; 195; 205; 215; 225…
Women:  65; 75; 85; 95; 105; 110; 115; 120; 125…
WOD 2:  Team Ladder
Time Cap:  12 Minutes
Partner 1 Goes up the Ladder and Tags in Partner 2 (Note that total Double Unders are 100, partner 1 can tag in partner 2 during double unders to assist and complete, but once partner 2 is tagged Partner 1 is done and partner 2 must complete remaining reps).
20 calorie Row
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 DB Snatches (Rx: 45/25; S: 35/20)
50 Double Unders (S:  200 Singles)
50 Double Unders (S:  200 Singles)
40 KB Swings (Rx: 53/35 S: 35/26)
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Calorie Row
Mini-Individual Event 2 (Optional):  Atlas Stone GTS
Max Ground-to-Shoulder in 3 minutes (Rx:  140/95; S:  95/75)
Mini-Individual Event 3 (Optional): 
Max Muscle Ups (Rx) or Max Pull Ups (S) in 3 Minutes