18 May 2018


Just a friendly reminder that we will be hosting our annual Memorial Day Murph WOD and BBQ/Potluck on  Monday, 28 May (Memorial Day).  We will be posting a heat sign up sheet in the next few days for the workout.  After the workout we will have the grill running and invite you to bring some meat to throw on the grill or a dish or beverage to share.  We will also be holding our Prize raffle for the Murph Prep Challenge that day as well.  This is our 8th year running this event and we look forward to spending the day with our amazing CrossFit Kingstowne Family and honoring the fallen.


We are excited to officially kick off our new Spin Fit program!  We have launched four class times per week for now. Initial class times are listed below.  If you have not yet tried out a free trial class, we welcome you to come in and try out a class for free. After that we have several punch card pass options available to members and non-members, as well as two discounted monthly recurring plans available exclusively to our  CFK members and their family members (who do not need to be existing members).

You can enroll online for classes by visiting our schedule on the website or members can log in to your Pike 13 dashboard. To obtain the free trial pass you simply need to enter the coupon code SPINTRIAL at check out and it will reduce the cost of your first trial class to zero. Each class will be capped at 9 members so be sure to enroll early to secure your spot. If classes begin to consistently fill up we will begin to add more class times and options to our schedule.  If three or less people have enrolled, then the class will be cancelled with notice provided at least 90 minutes prior to the class start.  You can register online via our SCHEDULE online.


  • Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
  • Sundays at 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.


1 Session Per Week (4 Sessions Per Month) Recurring Monthly Membership Add On:  $50 ($12.50 per class) **

2 Sessions Per Week (8 Sessions Per Month) Recurring Monthly Membership Add On:  $90 ($11.25 Per Class)**

** The discounted monthly recurring membership add on is available only to CFK members and/or their immediate family members.  These plans can be extended to family members who do not currently attend regular CrossFit classes but have a spouse or partner who does.

Family Member Discount:  If two or more family members purchase the membership add on they each receive an additional $5 off the 1 session per week plan and $10 off the 2 session per week plan. ($45 and $80).

1 Class Drop In:  $20

5 Class Punch Card:  $90 (Members have up to 45 days to utilize passes)

10 Class Punch Card:  $150 (Members have up to 75 days to utilize passes)



Level 1 (Beginner): 10 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Power Snatch Triple.

**Focus should be technique not load

Level 2 (Rx/Advanced):  EMOM : 10 Minutes 

M1: 3 Power Snatch
M2: 3 Power Snatch
M3: 2 Power Snatch
M4: 2 Power Snatch
M5: 2 Power Snatch

Minutes 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10:  Build to Heavy Single for Day



Minutes 0-2: Max Reps Power Snatch
Minutes 2-4: Rest
Minutes 4-6: Max Reps Clean and Jerk
Minutes 6-8: Rest
Minutes 8-10: Max Reps Front Squat
Minute 10-12 Rest
Minute 12:  Complete 2k Row for Time  (Sub 80/60 Cal on AB)

** Barbell Weight Same for all three Movements.

S: 95/65
Rx: 115/80 or 75% of today’s Snatch Triple (which ever is higher)
A: 135/95 or 60% of todays single which ever is higher.



4 Rounds:

3-5 Dragon Flys (5 seconds)

25 Ab Mat Sit Ups